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6 Types Of Motivated Sellers Waiting For Your Offer In January

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 02 January 2020


Ready to hit the ground running and crush your 2020 real estate investing goals?

Here are six types of motivated sellers out there in the market ready for you to make an offer on their homes.

1. Those Who Spent Too Much During The Holidays

There is a lot of pressure to overspend during the end of year holiday season. There are two types of people out there in January. Those who are flush and didn’t put any gifts on credit cards and stayed on top of their bills. Then those who splurged, racked up debt, tanked their credit scores, and are struggling to pay their bills. There is a good chance many in the last group won’t catch up and will lose their homes unless they sell fast.

2. Those Who Are Now Unemployed

Lots of places hire to keep up with the busy holiday shopping season. Then they let everyone go. That’s the last thing most can afford after splurging on gifts, food and going out for the last month. Now new employment laws threaten to dump tens of millions of people into the unemployment pool too. If California’s new employment laws effectively banning freelancers and independent contractors spreads, we could be looking at 60% plus unemployment rates in some areas of the US within the next 12 months. With no job or income, most are only a week away from falling behind on their housing payments.

3. Those Wanting To Start A New Life In 2020

Millions of people have promised themselves a new life this year. They are putting their foot down, resolving to change their lifestyles and step out in new directions. Many are ready to make big moves, cash out old homes and hit the road to travel.

4. Failed Landlords & House Flippers

Sadly, many investors have rushed in without educating themselves or they have relied only on speculation instead of buying assets at the right prices. Now they are out of credit, out of cash, and they are stuck with properties that keep drilling deeper money pits for their fleeting finances. Step up and help them get out.

5. Those Whose Homes Are Depreciating

As the correction spreads, homeowners who look up their house values online and see they’ve lost $6k, $60k ot $600k in equity in the past few months are going to get really motivated. Those values could plunge much further. Many will be smart to cash out. Yet, at the right price real estate wholesalers can still get in, buy low and flip for a profit. Even in a declining market.

6. Those With Big 2020 REI Goals

Connect with those with big goals for wholesaling or flipping houses in 2020, and who want to move deals fast and get a good headstart to the year. Help them crush their goals by moving their inventory for them.

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