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Is A Four Day Work Week The Key To Better Productivity?

by blogger1
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on Wednesday, 25 January 2023

A new study shows that a shorter, four day work week may be exactly what you need to be more productive.

For many years we’ve been catching up with new studies that reveal working fewer hours is actually better for everyone. Not just the individual workers, but businesses that employ them, and communities too.

Now the data suggests that not only is working fewer hours more beneficial, but so is working fewer days.

This new study covered by Bloomberg reports that the four day work week could be the recipe to avoid burnout and boost productivity.

Avoiding Burnout

While many dismiss the importance of this, it is far more impactful on your health, business, relationships, and finances than you think. The time to address it is not once you hit it or see the negative impacts. The goal is to avoid it in the first place.

A four day work week can reportedly improve sleep and help avoid burnout. This means you can continue to love your work, do your best work, make better decisions, and enjoy a better life. Forget ‘work life balance’, it's just life.

Boosting Productivity

This part may be far more attractive to the workaholics reading this.

Being more rested and energized to work during these fewer days can certainly drive you to work harder and better when you are working.

It also forces you to find ways to be more productive and get better results in less time.

It’s For Your Teams Too

Don’t forget, if it is good for you, it is also good for your team members.

There is no use in you only working four days, but making your employees work seven. You won’t get the results.

The CEO of Randstad says that it is imperative for businesses to have flexibility today.

How To Do It

Find the four days that work for you. Perhaps that is avoiding those dreaded Mondays altogether and skipping right to Tuesday. Or it might be eliminating Fridays as little gets done after lunch time anyway. Or you might break up your work week and take Wednesdays off.

Experiment with it, and find your rhythm.

What To Do For The Other Three Days A Week

This might be the most difficult for some. You should absolutely take one full day of rest. You may use another to learn and improve your skills, focus on making other investments, or work on your hobbies. You can travel to expand your mind and check out new real estate markets. Or you can even teach others how to do what you do, and volunteer your time to good causes.

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Why Investors Need to Invest for Themselves

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 20 August 2020


The current trends in the national economy have made everyone wonder whether their assets are safe. In some ways the emergencies created by the coronavirus pandemic are mimicking those of the 2008 crisis. While the beginning of the pandemic brought a limitation in the purchase of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other disinfecting products, it also impacted other investors’ actions. American banks and credit unions started limiting their clients’ cash withdrawals. According to the Wall Street Journal, the early panic caused by covid-19 influenced many citizens to withdraw tens of thousands of dollars at a time. While banks will tell you that keeping your money at home brings great risk, leaving your money in a bank during an economic crisis can be just as risky.

Now, organizations like the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK are looking into enforcing restrictions on property fund withdrawals. They are creating rules that will make investors give a 90 to 180 days’ notice to redeem their funds. This legislation could lead to hundreds and thousands of investors getting their funds suspended when they most need them.

Your best option as an investor is to do what you do best—invest! Use your own money and invest in the real estate market.

Unlike keeping your money relatively safe but stagnant, real estate wholesaling gives you a chance at seeing fast and high returns with minimal risk chances. As a wholesaler you could see potential cash flows of $100k a month.

You can do it yourself by finding motivated sellers and wholesaling properties to eager retail home buyers or house rehabbers and landlords. Or you can partner up with someone else.

You could also work with a co-wholesaler. Co-wholesaling can strengthen your business and take it to the next level. Working with a partner can lead to finding more deals and having access to a greater buyer database.

Whether you are working alone or with a partner, investing your money into wholesaling can help you grow your capital and give you financial security, control and peace of mind during these complicated times.

For those with limited funds to test the waters with, check out or 100% financing and VOD services for real estate wholesalers.

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It’s Time To Flex Your Freedom In Real Estate

by blogger1
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on Wednesday, 04 July 2018


With Independence Day fresh in our minds, it’s time to flex our freedom in real estate.

Hopefully you’ve had the chance to celebrate the 4th of July, and maybe even take in some spectacular firework displays, spend time with great people, eat something fresh off the grill and to contemplate just how valuable our freedom is.

Sure, many had the freedom to take a day off and celebrate this week, but we’ve all got some even more important basic freedoms we can’t take for granted. The freedom to think, plan, work, give, start something new and take action.

The Freedom to Set Bigger Goals

Setting bigger goals costs you nothing, but can help you gain everything. If you are already wholesaling a house or two a month, why not set a goal to be doing 4 to 10 deals a month by next July? If you are doing 20, shoot for 20. With access to the best transactional funding your only limit is the goals you set for yourself.

Freedom to Get Started in Real Estate

You’ve got the freedom to get started in real estate if you haven’t yet. That’s huge. Billions of people have never had this opportunity and never will have an opportunity like this to change the dynamics of their finances, future and level of freedom and independence. How can we not take advantage of this?

Start Creating a Legacy

Our current freedom and economic strength is the legacy of a lot of work, sacrifice and big vision. Making great money every month as a real estate wholesaler is a good start. Stacking up enough wealth for retirement is even better. Though if you haven’t started working on your legacy, then it’s time to seize that freedom as well. That may be setting up a trust and putting real estate assets in it for your heirs. It could be building and donating a library or museum. You can even put your name on it if you like. Or it could be building an entire new smarter community. What will your legacy be?

Freedom to Give

We don’t just have the freedom to work, invest and gain, but to give and pay it forward to others as well. Perhaps you can start your own foundation. Support or plan a backpack drive for the upcoming school season. Or if you are still just gaining traction yourself, why not give by teaching and sharing what you’ve learned, or bringing on an intern, and empowering others to enjoy the freedoms you have?

What will you do with your freedom today?

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