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6 Top Reasons To Be A Real Estate Wholesaler In 2014

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 03 April 2014
2014 is an incredible year to be wholesaling properties. There may be other ways to earn a buck, but when you dig in, there is nothing quite like wholesaling…

Sure you could get a day job, maybe a night job to make ends meet too. You could try your hand at being a DIY landlord or even being a Realtor. Yet, few of these options can deliver the benefits of flipping houses as a property wholesaler. Here’s why…

1. Easy Money

Some real estate investing gurus may make flipping houses sound a little too easy sometimes. However, wholesaling is really as simple as it gets, not only in terms of real estate, but work in general. If you’ve ever taken a gig in a fast food restaurant there are far more rules and precision required to flip burgers. Why wear your fingers to the bone 18 hours a day when you don’t have to?

2. Big Paydays

One of the greatest benefits of wholesaling, even above all other forms of real estate investing is the big lump sum paydays it can provide. For most individuals, even if they have a terrible month financially just one wholesale deal can turn everything around.

3. Scheduling Flexibility

Sadly even most of the best paying jobs and most sought after job titles today come with extreme hours, and working holidays and weekends. Time is the most precious thing we have. Wholesaling allows investors to take important days off, make it to those baseball games without fail and without bankruptcy, and makes for a far more enjoyable way to live.

4. The Opportunity to Help Others

Wholesaling houses is also a great opportunity to provide tangible help to others. Scooping up deals on distressed houses isn’t just about finding opportunistic profits and pay days. It provides a much needed service to motivated sellers and done right can be a very welcome and valuable service.

5. Helping the Economy

Each home flipped also helps to improve the blight in local neighborhoods, helps to create jobs and revenues and boosts the overall economy which helps everyone.

6. Low Risk

While the U.S. and global real estate market may be rebounding well few have the stomach for risk today, even wealth investors. Wholesaling, especially when using leverage from is about as low risk as could ever be hoped for, with incredible upside profit potential. Why even consider anything else?
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