Wholesaling just seems to be getting hotter and hotter. There are a lot of educators promoting virtual wholesaling, and droves of new investors seem to be taking to it. Some are making $100k a month. Others are still spinning their wheels and trying to make those first dollars.

No matter what scale you are operating at, here are some of the most frequent mistakes wholesalers are making now, and how to beat them to really get deals done, put more dollars in the bank and keep things flowing smoothly.

Taking the Long Route

There are so many marketing funnel and channel ideas for trying to get leads, find sellers and push out to buyers and raise money today. Some are great. Most are just really long detours and excuses not to just pick up your phone and do some prospecting and make some offers. Make money, then you can get fancy.

Follow Up Fails

The number one plague on the real estate industry today is lack of follow up. Realtors and wholesalers are getting plenty of inbound leads, even without a big investment or beautiful materials. They waste the majority of these by not following up. Sellers and buyers and lenders shouldn’t have to follow up with you. If you want the money, deals and sale, you’ve got to follow up relentlessly and fast. If you can’t respond to leads in the first all important 5 minutes, then you need to hire some kind of help.

Not Considering Other Exit Options

Finding cash buyers is great. There may still be many out there. Best Transaction Funding would love to fund your back to back closings on these deals. Though if you are getting a lot of other types of offers, don’t just waste the opportunities. Every lead should be treated like gold. Respond well. If they aren’t a fit for this deal, put them in your database for upcoming deals. If you are getting a lot of buyers wanting seller financing, maybe it’s worth taking some of those. Don’t get stuck in your model. Be flexible.

Not Analyzing Pricing Well

Whether it is greed or being out of touch, many resellers just seem to be asking for a lot today. They aren’t doing the math as a wholesaler, and what it will take for an other investor to acquire, renovate and exit that deal. Some ‘wholesale’ deals are being priced like new construction. Think about it. If someone can build a brand new place on a similar lot for what you are asking for a beat up rehab project, why would they? Especially if you are demanding all cash?

Not Knowing What You Are Selling

It is completely possible to flip houses sight unseen. Yet, if you don’t know the condition or what’s on title, you can’t price it right or pass that info on to your end buyer to make a good decision or offer. The more you can get a handle on repairs and the equity, the better you can present to your buyers, de-risk it for them and streamline  the resale transaction. All with far less likelihood of the deal blowing up.

Getting Cut Out of Deals

Unfortunately, there are a lot of greedy people out there. Both Realtors and investors keep finding buyers and sellers try to cut them out. Wholesalers are especially vulnerable when trying to do assignments or simultaneously closing using the buyer’s funds. Instead, do two transactions using transactional funding, so you become the owner and are the only path for them to get the house.

Not Empowering Your Team

If you are hiring people, and then micromanaging and spending more time managing than it took to do the job in the first place, just do it yourself. Save the time and money. Of course, it is far smarter to hire help and then get out of their way so they can do what they are the experts at.

Steve Jobs said. “It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”