Essential Tips for Real Estate Investors Seeking Top Google Rankings

by blogger1
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on Apr 16 in Press Category

Getting your real estate website on the first page of Google and keeping it there is about more than just bragging rights. It is about gaining the most traffic, enabling prospects to find you, dominating your market and doing more deals with a higher ROI.

So how can you get your real estate investing website and blog to appear higher up in Google searches?

Google is on a constant mission to crackdown on poor quality, copied and highly spun content. Keep it fresh, unique, less keyword stuffed and more locally focused.

Video has been called one of the hottest marketing trends of the year and the search engines say they love it too. So where possible upload your videos to YouTube and syndicate your videos to your website, blog and social media. For real estate investors this can be a mix of property tours, tips, customer testimonials and slide show presentations.

However, with the news of Instagram’s sale to Facebook for a cool $1 billion and the growing popularity and buzz around Pinterest it is clear that photos and images may be just as important as video for investors promoting themselves and their properties on the web. Pus, of course they are a lot less expensive to generate than video.

Social media’s effect on search engine rankings is perhaps the most underestimated by real estate investors today. Some investors have believed that they could get away without social because they just don’t get it or recognize the immediate benefits. However, social is becoming increasingly critical to your search engine rankings according to executives from Bing. If you are not marketing on the major social networks, getting conversations going and optimizing with keywords and links you are missing out on the ability to boost your rankings.

Google feels so strongly about the current abuses of link exchanging and the junk links which are being exchanged it actually took the time to send out warning emails to webmasters that their sites could be de-indexed for engaging in excessive black hat practices and featuring poor quality links. A perfect example is the down fall of BMR.

Link building is important for good SEO and rankings, just be more selective about who you link to. Look for quality, related affiliate marketing programs to join and reserve your advertising for below the fold in the page.

There will be more changes to come and real estate investors must keep on top of them if they wish to maintain good rankings. However, Google assures us that those who focus on quality and interesting content will be rewarded.

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