Been Laid Off? Wholesaling Real Estate May Be The Answer

by blogger1
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on Jul 20 in BestTransactionFunding

If you’ve been laid off, see it coming, or have even just had your hours and income cut back, is wholesaling real estate the answer?

Mass unemployment is snowballing faster than most realize. It’s a domino effect that isn’t just going to wipe out far more jobs, but also most retirement accounts that are not anchored in tangible assets.

If you or someone you know is in the path of this financial avalanche, wholesaling real estate may be the only thing to cling onto in order to survive it.

Mass Unemployment Is Coming

It’s already surging under the radar of official statistics and lagging data. Don’t be surprised if we exceed 20% unemployment by next year.

Consider that out of just over 330M people in the US, only just over 60% of those have been participants in the workforce.

Then look at all the big corporations and tech companies that have been laying off tens of thousands of employees. Including Goldman Sachs.

Then you have AI and automation replacing your gas station and grocery store clerks. Then soon all of your delivery drivers, warehouse staff, and uber and truck drivers.

On top of that the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts around 10% of the entire population working in customer service. About 20% of the working population. All of whom could be quickly unemployed by new technology.

Then another 18M freelancers working on jobs that could soon be replaced by robots. Even if those robots do a terrible job.

In turn, the fallout will force other businesses to fold and make layoffs.

With hiring freezes in place, don’t count on finding another job.

What Can You Do?

You can’t just live off of your savings. You can’t take a job that doesn’t keep you ahead of real inflation. Which by the way is still up by high double digits. These are just paths to a slow financial death, and a lot of stress and sleepless nights.

Entrepreneurship and investing seem to be the only viable answer. To be creative and find a way to create your own income, without relying on anyone else.

Of course, most businesses still have high startup costs, and are slow to produce any meaningful income.

Trying to sell enough products on Letgo or Amazon to pay your bills is going to take a while to build up.

Real estate obviously stands out as an answer. Though most do not have the very, very deep pockets needed, or capital of their own they can afford to bet on rental properties and fixing up and reselling homes. So, what’s left?

Wholesaling Real Estate

For most, wholesaling real estate may be the only thing that can save them.

Using transactional funding, you can have 100% of your deals financed, including closing costs. Even if you’ve taken some credit hits lately.

This is a real estate strategy that allows you to get in, out and paid, in just days. Providing anywhere from $5k, to $50k, to over $500k in profit per deal.

You probably don’t need many of those each month to replace your old income.

Now is the time to get ahead, even if you haven’t been laid off yet.

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