Laid Off: Is Wholesaling Real Estate The Answer?

by blogger1
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on Mar 09 in BestTransactionFunding

Have you been laid off or see the possibility of it coming in your near future?

The world’s biggest and wealthiest companies have all joined in to create a massive layoff tsunami. In addition to hiring freezes, meaning no new jobs to get for many.

This will no doubt keep on trickling down from tech, banking, and other professional jobs to hit those businesses that have relied on their spending. In turn, that means even more people will lose their jobs.

This is largely a result of recent monetary policy designed to do just this. Recent announcements that the Fed is planning bigger rate hikes, and aiming for a higher peak will quite likely fuel high inflation in the short term.

At the same time, the data shows the value of retirement savings plummeting, leaving most with little to no financial back up.

Whether you see the potential for being laid off in the near future, or have already been let go, there is an urgent need to generate income now. Not in two months or six months, but to stay ahead of the bills due this month.

Secondary to that is rebuilding cash reserves and savings for larger expenses and the future.

Why Wholesaling Real Estate Stands Out As The Only Answer

For the majority in this situation, wholesaling real estate is really the only solution. And it is a highly attractive one.

First, it enables you to get paid fast. If you dive in, you can probably make money in wholesaling a lot faster than it would be to get a paycheck from a new job. Plus, there are no interviews to ace, no requirements to pass, or tests to take.

It is also one of the few things that can provide a high enough income to keep up and create a surplus.

Additionally, it provides lump sums of cash to rebuild reserves.

Unlike fixing and flipping houses or buying apartment buildings, you can use transactional funding to finance 100% of your purchase price and closing costs, so there is no money out of pocket.

This is also something you can do anytime, anywhere. You can do it from home. You can do it through a pandemic or recession. You get control of your financial future, and are not relying on others for your income or financial health.

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