2 Google Developments Real Estate Investors Can’t Ignore

by blogger1
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on Nov 15 in BestTransactionFunding

1. Google Brand Pages Are Here
Google released brand pages for businesses last week. If real estate investors and investment companies needed Facebook and Twitter, their importance likely pales in comparison to the benefits, opportunities and applications that Google comes with. It only takes a few moments to set up your real estate company’s Google brand page and share it with your contacts so what are you waiting for? Get on it, start posting and explore the possibilities that the Circles, Direct Connect and Hangouts features offer for real estate investors to attract and build relationships with new prospects. This is your chance to really be creative and get ahead of your competition.

2. New Google Ranking Changes
Just when you thought you had your SEO mastered Google makes another change to its algorithm and the way it ranks search engine results. Building on the search changes which were designed to wipe out content farms and those trying to fool the search engine with masses of junk content, now even more weight is being given to those with the most recent updates. For real estate investors this means not just focusing on quality content marketing any more but building up the frequency of blogs posts and other content. Blogging once a week probably just isn’t going to cut it for real estate investors any longer. The statistics have already shown increased results for real estate businesses posting fresh content 5 or more times a week and these new changes are only going to compound this further.

So if you want to hold onto your current client base and maintain your Google position, if you don’t do anything else this week you need to set up your Google pages and reassess your content volume and posting schedule.

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