Effective Tactics For Marketing To Distressed Homeowners

by blogger1
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on Aug 17 in BestTransactionFunding

Once you have your transactional funding lender lined up and you have potential buyers lined up to flip houses to it’s time to focus on marketing to distressed and motivated homeowners.

What are some of the most effective marketing tactics for reaching these potential sellers that being used by the top real estate investors today?

Many of the most targeted lists you will get your hands on unfortunately may not come with phone numbers. One of the best ways to reach them is with a direct mail campaign. Forget postcards just because they are cheap and glossy. If you are working on a tight budget then you will find that handwritten and addressed style letters work incredibly well. If you can find someone else to do the writing though in order to maximize your time. Your teenager who wants shopping money, a neighbor who needs to make a little extra on a part time basis or a stay at home mom or dad. Give your letter a personal tone, though consider using toll free numbers to test different versions of copy, for capturing caller IDs and assigning leads to your sales staff if you have them.

One issue you may come across in your hunt for new seller leads is that while some attorneys, title companies, agents and insurance reps may want to share their client’s info with you, they may feel they are restricted in the personal information that they can share. The easy way to get around this is to run email campaigns as joint ventures. Have your partner send out your message to their database as a personal recommendation and you can even include a copy of your Proof of Funds letter from your transactional lender so they know you are serious. This is far more powerful than cold marketing, not to mention it can be free. Offer your joint venture partner a referral fee or send out an email message from them on their services to your database in return.

Another version of this marketing strategy is to put together a newsletter either as a mailer or in email form and have several of your strategic partners sponsor it so that it costs you nothing. Build subscriptions and readers for it online by enticing home owners with valuable content that is applicable for their current situation.

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